Friday 13 March 2020

Principles: for Self-Improvement, Better Life and Successful Business

This book is different; it will help you to think beyond words, many hidden treasures are presented here. It will change your view & stimulate your thinking process; it will make you realize your true worth. It is designed to provide training on self-realization, memory building, FOCTRAIC, OPE, DRS wing, wealth creation, money-life management, retirement planning, converting weakness into strength, handling threats and solving the most difficult problems. The information presented in this book is very crisp & easy to understand. We have attempted to put down our findings in a way that is understandable by an intelligent non-technical and non-specialist. This provides the foundation to succeed in personal life & in any business and helps people to achieve their true potential. Larger font size, simple language & list of principles are the specialty of this book.

There are so many highly qualified people in this world, not being utilized to their maximum potential, which is a great concern. Every country focuses on skill development, provides training & education but fails to utilize the untapped human potential, which is a great loss to the nation & to the humanity. The educational system is designed to train people to handle success but it is not providing any information about taking calculated risk, digesting failures & bouncing back with double energy. School children, young graduates, business owners, everybody would find this book very useful as a first step towards mastering the principles. We have studied the business environment & the educational system, analyzed the gap & found there is a need to provide a guide book to serve humanity. This book provides vital information on this aspect by providing proper training on the FOCTRAIC ultimate learning cycle & its application to develop skills & knowledge, to handle any difficult situation comfortably. Solutions like DRS wing & getting your money back also included.

Summary of principles is presented in well composed verses, it is a useful asset for everyone, it provides valuable guidance on what to do & what to avoid in life, we have done our best to make it easy to digest the stuff useful in practical life. A must read book for everyone.

Happy reading!

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